Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tallis is Wonderful

Some wonderful things my eight-year-old boy has said:

About Rowan, on March 8, 2010: "I have a feeling he's going to grow up to be a tapdancer. But you never know."

Mom: Tal, why don't you get up when your clock radio goes off?
Tal: It's broken.
Mom: What's wrong with it?
Tal: It's not loud enough. When it goes off it wakes everyone else up, but I can't hear it!

During scripture study as we were reading about the morning stars singing together and the sons of God shouting for joy: "And the daughters threw flowers!"


Anonymous said...

He is so insightful. And funny.

Ali Garner said...

I miss Tallis! His quirkiness always brings a smile to my face :)