Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well, I have been feeling awful lately. A cold that won't go away, wheezing, runny nose, low grade fever, chills, and a lot of housework and AcaDeca prep and FDENG 2012 prep to do. I went to the doctor, and he did a blood test--some kind of infection. Prescribed antibiotics (which I hate). Infection didn't go away. Went back to the doctor--had a more invasive blood test--results? Serious infection, which required more antibiotics AND steroids. Pertussis! Also known as whooping cough. Now I have to soothe myself with 1. the knowledge that I really am sick and this isn't just an all-pervading laziness and 2. some delicious white chicken chili, recipe from my friend Heather Baird who got it off this blog: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2008/09/white-chicken-chili/ It is seriously good! And just what I need in my weakened state.

1 comment:

brittanydaw said...

So sorry you are sick, dear sis. I love White Bean Chili, though my recipe is a bit different (probably not as healthy for you...). But because of you, now I know what to make for dinner tomorrow!!!